Interview: Lada Alexandrova, translated from Russian by Valeria Fadin

Maria Art, the girl with the saxophone, one of the youngest and most outstanding jazz composers of Moscow, has recently visited Hamburg. She talked about her music, future plans and fashion sence to Lada Alexandrovа.


Q: Maria, tell us, what has lead/brought you to Hamburg?

A: I am “on substitution” in Hamburg. I’ve occasionally got a ticket to a concert of Melody Gardo, a singer, and I was glad to be so lucky to come, as I’ve never been to Hamburg before. I thought in autumn to myself that Germany shows up from it‘s chocolate sides.

Q: What was your way to the world of music and why exactly did you choose jazz? Tell us a little bit about yourself and your band.

A: I was 10, when I stepped into the world of music. I felt this yearning to study it and had chosen a musical instrument pretty quickly. Saxophone is still my favorite instrument) My quartet band, called Maria Art, plays the music I write and that is modern jazz. The quartet consists of: keys, contrabass, drums, and me, of course, changing between soprano and alto saxophone. We have released the first album of our quartet not long ago. We’re waiting for our second release in 2016, with an absolutely extraterrestrial music, and I mean it. The first song presentation show will be taking place at planetarium, right under the domes. It will be like in space!

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coming out of the box
this pair of dolls
I have not forgotten their faces
– Buson

Although it’s not the 3rd of March yet, when Japanese celebrate the Doll Festival, we would love to display the everyday life of our own private hina doll.

In homes across Japan, families display dolls — some passed down for generations — from mid-February until March 4th. The festival is held in order to pray for a happy and healthy life for one’s daughter. But this was not always so. Long ago, human-like figurines were utilized to exorcise evil spirits and absorb spiritual pollution . These ritual dolls became more decorative over time and children would sleep with them (letting impurities be drawn out overnight) and the next day the dolls would be cast off into a river or the ocean. The extremely decorative and cute dolls used in modern times only became popular in the Edo period (1600-1867). They are no longer cast away but passed down from generation to generation as heirlooms. During the holiday families display ceramic dolls dressed in the ornate, decorative robes of the ancient imperial court.

Our shooting is dedicated to a doll living a modern life in our modern society.


Photography & Makeup & Story: Lilya Corneli
Stying & Concept: Olga Schloemer
Model: Maria Art

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Text: Lada Alexandrova, Photo: Lilya Corneli


Every month we all wait for the new issue of our favourite magazines. We flick through the glossy pages, soaking in the bright colours, pretty clothes, lifestyle ideas. Almost every woman who is interested in fashion at least once imagined herself behind the scenes. As part of the editorial team: bunch of creative, smart people who put their ideas and skills together to create and execute abstract notions of beauty, style, and coolness. However, is the life those people live so colorful as we imagine it? New concepts of getting to know the readers – Glamour Cafe – gave us a chance to meet the editorial team of the german Glamour magazine. And after meeting them we can say – yes, it is!

Glamour Cafe is a temporary pop-up store, where you can have a coffee, meet friends, shop the latest trend and have your make up and hair done by the best stylists in the city! All that in one place and together with the Glamour team!

Four cities in Germany: Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich have hosted Glamour Cafe at their best locations. One of the modern and conceptual places in Hamburg mercedes me offered Glamour Cafe its office at Ballindamm, just across the Alster river.

Within three days Glamour Cafe has offered a lot of activities: beauty and hairstyle workshops, style consulting, lectures, coffee-branch and parties. But the most exciting part of the program was Tea(m) Time: meeting the editors of Glamour. Julia Werner Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Lana Lurch SMM Manager and Angela Reipschlaeger Marketing Director made all the way from Munich to meet us, the readers. We were talking about the daily routine of Glamour magazine, discussing the importance of social media in fashion and listening to funny stories about traveling, models and photoshootings-sets.

Julia, professional journalist, column-writer and book author knew how to keep the conversation going. And Lana was coming up with brilliant stories of her social network related work. Two hours passed so quickly!

Thank you for the lovely event and we are looking forward to the next Glamour Cafe!

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